Nappy Styles

Nappy Styles products were inspired by Master Barbers to help manage and maintain today’s Nappy, Natural Unaltered Styles. These superior products are infused with the natural ingredients
Black Castor Oil, Shea Butter, and Coconut Oil to provide the hair with all the nutrients, moisture, shine, and softness needed for today’s haircuts.
Black Castor Oil: Rejuvenates the scalp and replenish the hair’s moisture
Shea Butter: Soothes dry scalp and conditions the hair without clogging the pores.
Coconut Oil: Softens the hair while enhancing the shine and easing breakage and dryness.
Nappy Style products have been tested and approved by hundreds of FroHawk, Nappy Temp Fades, High Top Fades, Tampered Fades and Fro Wearers like you. Enjoy your Soft, Nappy, Natural Unaltered Healthy Hair. Throw away your Comb and Rub your Hair Healthy!